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I Don't Want To Talk About It Terrence Real Male Depression Mental Health

I Don't Want To Talk About It By: Terrence Real

My Story Starts Here...

My story starts like most: I grew up in a moderately conservative family, one uncomfortable talking about sex in a healthy way. Where my story differs is my father was raised, and is again, conservative Muslim, and my mother was raised in the South. One would think that the two are very different, but in my experience, sexuality and the female body were always covertly, and sometimes not so covertly, deemed as shameful and dirty.


I currently reside in the Greater Houston area and am in progress of my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology.  The goal is to work towards my Ph.D., but my health keeps getting in the way of an actual degree. In the meantime, I have educated and am continuing to educate myself in my fields of passion: covert male depression, human sexuality, sex addiction, and gender differences in sexuality.


A lot of people ask me why I am interested in researching depression in men, and honestly, the short answer is that I have been hurt by depressed men my whole life, and understanding the behavior helps me cope. I also want to make it possible for more women to go through less of the trauma that I have gone through because of covert male depression. I also want to help men who feel trapped in the cycle because it's so rarely talked about. Gender norms have caused a lot of damage to the self-esteem and worth to the dads, husbands, partners, bosses, coworkers, etc. of the world and it's caused a ripple effect on everyone they come into contact with.

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